The Railroad Junction

A summer block party featuring our neighbors on Railroad St - Ziggy’s and Bitter Honey!

There will be live music at these three different venues. The night will kick off with doors at 7pm, and Adrianna Noone and her band taking the stage in the garden at 7:30pm.

The evening will flow on to the Local Sound Studio (3rd floor above Ziggy’s) for an intimate performance at 9pm with Rissa the Righter and Nahkiyah Knight, two highly regarded up and coming artists!

End the party the right way - down at Ziggy’s with the Alex Vine Trio (funk/jazz/rock) as we celebrate local musicians and local venues and a summer concert you won’t forget!

$5 suggested donation at the door. Big shout out to Love, Tito’s for sponsoring the first annual Railroad Junction!