Upcoming events.

Evie Ladin & Keith Terry at the Local Sound Studio
Join us on April 2nd as we welcome in the incredible neo-trad kinetic roots duo: Evie Ladin and Keith Terry! These shows at our studio will be intimate and listening room inspired events.
Innovative musicians/dancers with a quirky neo-trad soul, Oakland, California-based Evie Ladin & Keith Terry throw down original folk songs and deep interpretations of old songs, with the kinetic thrill of percussive dance. As unusually entertaining evening full of surprises.

Booking With Venues Artist Workshop
Have you ever wanted to learn the best way to get in touch with a local venue? Have you ever wished you could speak with a booking agent face to face and get their insight?
Join Geoff Dale, the co-owner of Three Heads Brewing and a musician who has been booking and playing for over 20 years! 7pm Free event for all musicians!

Be Kind Tuesday: Center For Youth
Be Kind Tuesday! An event where we host another local nonprofit at Three Heads Brewing with free live music! $1 from every pint sold from 6-8 is donated!

LSC Open Mic
All sounds welcome! Come and keep it R.E.A.L. with a focus on intentional listening in an intimate setting! Doors at 7:00, first performance 7:30

AGP Cohort Showcase
It’s the first showcase for this year’s cohort! Come and see Ekua, Victoria Moore, and Julia Weatherholz at the LSC Studio!

Brinner Festival
The Brinner Festival is back for our second year! Over a dozen restaurants you know and love making signature breakfast items wrapped up in a monster three band bill for an evening like none other.
Bands included Eli Flynn and the Everymen, the Sideways, Freedom Trio, and Briana Horton. As you enjoy the music, try different food samples from vendors and submit your vote for who will win this one of a kind food competition.
Tickets on sale March 18th.

Amplifying Your Voice Artist Workshop
Do you wish you had a better handle on communicating professionally in the musical world?
Join Greg Best, of BestEver productions and take your business interactions as a musician to the next level!

Booking Your Own Tour Artist Workshop
Are you an independent artist wanting to book your first tour? Do you know what cities and venues make the most sense for you? Do you wish the numbers and dollars weren’t so intimidating?
Join Ray Mahar, lead singer and band leader of A Girl Named Genny for a booking your first tour workshop! 7pm Free event for all musicians!

Be Kind Tuesday - Rochester Rainbow Union
Another Be Kind Tuesday with free live music from Noah Martella and members of Ivy's Home! AND one dollar from every pint you buy will go to this nonprofit! Who knew a beer could be so helpful!
Big shout out to our title Sponsor ROC Net Supply for making this all possible!
Check out the site for Rochester Rainbow Union!